remote access Trojan (RAT)

Researchers at security firm Fortinet report detecting a fraudulent campaign based on the delivery of three pieces of fileless malware with enhanced confidential information-stealing capabilities. The malware is delivered throughRead More →

A few months ago, specialists from the security firm ThreatFabric reported the detection of a new malware variant for Android devices. Identified as Coper, this malware family appeared to beRead More →

Mobile hacking is one of the most dangerous cybercriminal trends, as it allows threat actors to conduct detailed surveillance of people of interest, steal personal information, and even empty bank accountsRead More →

The Lapsus$ hacking group is abusing stolen NVIDIA code signing certificates to inadvertently sign malware on vulnerable Windows deployments. This week, NVIDIA confirmed that it suffered a cyberattack that allowedRead More →

Cybersecurity specialists report that a hacking group is directing dangerous hacking campaigns against Palestinian individuals and organizations using a dangerous malware variant identified as Micropsia. According to the Cisco TalosRead More →

The use of remote management tools is becoming more common in public and private organizations around the world, especially due to the pandemic. While these tools have a legitimate use,Read More →

Cisco Talos cybersecurity researchers report the detection of an espionage campaign against the airline industry, using hacking tools such as AsyncRAT and other remote access Trojans (RATs). This campaign, identifiedRead More →